
  1. Bradford above Tompkins (41% grade)
  2. Romolo between Vallejo and Fresno (37.5% grade)
  3. Prentiss between Chapman and Powhattan (37% grade)
  4. Nevada above Chapman (35% grade)
  5. Baden above Mangels (34% grade)
  6. Ripley between Peralta and Alabama (31.5% grade)
  7. 24th between De Haro and Rhode Island (31.5% grade)
  8. Filbert between Hyde and Leavenworth (31.5% grade)
  9. 22nd between Vicksburg and Church (31.5% grade)
  10. Broadway above Taylor (31% grade)

Source: SFgate

Where is San Francisco’s actual steepest street? This guy found out the hard way

  • https://www.sfgate.com/local/editorspicks/article/Where-is-San-Francisco-steepest-street-15374214.php?fbclid=IwAR3E23fc0OS-ALQTiuumYfQRgtR6QJMF33KRSEa8mTQK7kqZ6pZopXiRNok
