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Bracher School is named for Karl E. Bracher who was an early day Santa Clara orchardist. A native of Germany, he came with his parents to Santa Clara in 1885 when he was 8 years old. His family had extensive orchard properties and operated the Bracher Fruit Company. Their ranch home was on Kifer Road.

Christopher Bracher, whose great, granduncle Karl Bracher was honored in the naming of Bracher School, emailed that the family is still involved in special Bracher school projects. A Bracher family scholarship was recently awarded to a Bracher School student to attend a summer computer camp at Santa Clara University. The old Bracher Ranch was located right across the street from Bracher School where Bracher Senior Apartments is now at 2665 South Drive.

The mission of Bracher School is to provide a safe, nurturing environment that will develop each child's potential by providing a learning experience that meets the academic, emotional, physical, and social needs of our diverse, multicultural population, promotes a desire for lifelong learning, and prepares all children to meet the demands of an ever-changing world.
Bracher's PTA

Bracher Elementary School's Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is an active organization that assists and supports Bracher's professional staff through a variety of volunteer activities.
Last year, the Bracher PTA raised over $11,000 using a variety of fund-raising methods. The money is then donated back to the school to help fund school-wide activities. We are planning on having another successful year. The PTA has already planned many events for the school year, starting with our membership drive and T-shirt sales. Volunteers are what keep our PTA going.
We need you....Join the PTA and become involved. Check the calendar for our next event or meeting. Everyone is welcome.
For more information about Bracher PTA, contact Cathy Matteson through the school office 423-1200 or send us an email at Bracher PTA.

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