(這篇文章已經被閱讀了 303 次) 時間:2004/03/13 09:47pm 來源:march11
想在5月初到舊金山一遊,那段時間好像不是打折季 想請問downtown或近一點的地方
有 outlet 嗎? 還有交通資訊 請大家幫幫忙 謝謝
suewun 發表於: 2004/03/15 01:26pm
DOWNTOWN的話較平價非完全都是名牌折扣店有Ross, Marshall,各在Market及4th Street街口兩側。
美國老牌百貨公司NORDSTROM下櫃品OUTLET的NORSTROM RACK位於九街(NINTH STREET)五百五十五號,是SOMA區(SOUTH OF MARKET),應有公車可到,但不知幾路可自行在Powell街車站旁的舊金山旅遊諮詢中心詢問,或自行看路上公車站亭的地圖,或自己問MUNI司機。離市中心,說遠不遠說近不近,走路可能要三十分鐘,地區白天是還好晚上絕對稍有一點危險,請自行斟酌。
JEREMY’S是專賣高檔名牌折扣品如JIL SANDERS或PRADA等。位於South Park No. 2,從市中心走路可到。也可問旅遊諮詢中心SOUTH PARK在哪再走因為雖不遠但SOUTH PARK地方較小不容易找到。
陶兒音樂城折扣店(Tower Records New and Used):在離DOWNTOWN不遠的3RD STREET及TOWNSEND交叉口所以坐N JUDAH往MISSION BAY方向在CALTRAIN下車走一個BLOCK可到。
march11 發表於: 2004/03/15 04:10pm
想買香蕉共和國 踢不爛 蓋普之類的便宜貨 可能會租車去Napa一遊 記得中間有一間小小的outlet 想知道類似這種 一大間 買到飽的
謝謝可愛的 suewun !!
suewun 發表於: 2004/03/15 11:52pm
Hi March 11,
Aiiyaaa...your question is not very clear, don't you think?
"請問舊金山哪裡有outlet?" "想請問downtown或近一點的地方有 outlet 嗎? " was your question laa...Napa is 1.5 hours away from San Francisco, if you drive on the highway, 60 miles per hour. It is not even part of San Francisco City. Furthermore, it is not close to San Francisco Downtown AT ALL.
That's like saying, I want to go to downtown Taipei, anywhere close to downtown Taipei, whereas the outlet you have in mind is in Miao Li??
If you want to find out about Napa and all the respective outlets there, asking the tourist information center in downtown Napa when you drive up there is a way way better idea than asking on the Internet...
"記得中間有一間小小的 outlet" is in the middle of what??!?
踢不爛 is what? Can you "translate"?
If you want to shop Banana Republic and GAP, it is a San Francisco-based companies, so at their flagship stores (which are all easily locatable downtown--Gap is at Powell Street near the cable car terminal, and BR is near the Chinatown Gate) there are sale sections within the stores, always, all four seasons of the year.
Candy(客) 發表於: 2004/04/08 08:06am
Napa的29號公路上就有個outlet中心啊!好像有40-50家店,規模是不大啦!但種類凡多,不只是衣服,皮包,鞋子之類的,還有廚具,內衣,日本的杯盤等等,到Napa走29公路一定看得到的.St. Helena也有一個中心,但規模更小.
629 Factory Stores Drive
Napa, CA 94558
Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-8pm
Sun 10am-6pm
LOCATION: In the city of Napa; First Street Exit off Highway 29.
sandypea(客) 發表於: 2004/04/23 01:18am
你說的NAPA outlet 去過幾次 規模不大
如果是專程去一趟 肯定會讓你大失所望...
要在往東一點 還有 VACAVILLE OUTLET. 和 FOLSOM OUTLET 不過那都要一兩個小時的車程啦!
sandypea(客) 發表於: 2004/04/23 01:23am
上次去 NAPA OUTLET 並沒有香蕉共何國的店面ㄟ! 你確定真的有嗎??
甜甜(客) 發表於: 2004/04/23 04:18am
array(客) 發表於: 2004/04/23 05:39am
last time I visited Banana Republic's outlet near Las Vegas, the sale there told me that they did not have any outlet in CA..... (that means no return or exchange in CA)
let me know if they did open one.....
"上次去 NAPA OUTLET 並沒有香蕉共何國的店面ㄟ! 你確定真的有嗎??"
array(客) 發表於: 2004/04/23 05:44am
thanks 甜甜 for that webiste, it seems several Banana Republic outlet is opne in CA soon......