第44屆櫻花節, 上個週末就開始嘍!
Festival: Saturday and Sunday, April 9 & 10, 16 & 17, 2011
Grand Parade: Sunday, April 17, 2011
Queen Pageant: Saturday, April 9, 2011
Festival: Japantown (@ Post & Buchanan Streets), San Francisco
Grand Parade: Begins at San Francisco City Hall and ends at Post & Fillmore
Queen Pageant: Sundance Kabuki 8 Theater, Japantown
The 2011 Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival now celebrating its 44th year, is one of California's most prominent celebrations of Asian traditions. Each year, over 200,000 people attend this dazzling display showcasing the color and grace of the Japanese culture and the diversity of the Japanese American Community. Please join us and become a sponsor of this popular Japanese American community event.
This year’s Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival will be held on Saturday and Sunday April 9-10 and April 16-17, 2011. All are welcome to join in the festivities as we celebrate Japanese and Japanese American culture in San Francisco’s Japantown!
The festival will be held on Post Street between Laguna and Fillmore Streets. There will be food booths, cultural performances, martial arts, live bands, the annual Queen Program, and more. The Grand Parade will be held on April 17, beginning at City Hall and concluding in Japantown.
The Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival is said to be the second largest festival outside of Washington, D.C. to celebrate the blooming of cherry blossoms; and held at one of three remaining Japantowns in the United States.
版主: array
Re: 舊金山櫻花節
我是想去日本城借日劇綜藝節目 結果一堆人 趕緊閃了
去過一次 沒啥特別囉 下次ponpon可以來找我玩
我正想發起腳踏車遊 或 健行 遊金門大橋前那一段呢
我帶狗去都走不遠 想有伴才行的遠呀
去過一次 沒啥特別囉 下次ponpon可以來找我玩
我正想發起腳踏車遊 或 健行 遊金門大橋前那一段呢
我帶狗去都走不遠 想有伴才行的遠呀
愛吃 愛玩 愛寵物
Re: 舊金山櫻花節
昨天不小心跑去了, 人果然超多, 找停車位很辛苦, 還要記得每小時回去投幣.
Re: 舊金山櫻花節
今年的又到了, 把它挖上來推一下.
4/14, 4/15, 4/21, 4/22
4/14, 4/15, 4/21, 4/22